We. Love. Squash. Simple, with only 3 other ingredients, besides salt and pepper, this recipe sets off the delicious, slightly sweet flavor of crookneck...
This spicy dish combines fresh zucchini, rice, beans and cayenne pepper to really spice up your summer. You may wish to adjust the spices to your taste-...
Pumpkin juice recipe that isn't too sweet or thick and works well for any autumn party. I stumbled onto this recipe years ago to use at a party we gave...
Pumpkin juice recipe that isn't too sweet or thick and works well for any autumn party. I stumbled onto this recipe years ago to use at a party we gave...
This is pumpkin pie with a twist, a layer of mincemeat topped with a layer of pumpkin. Just the thing to put the zing into traditional pumpkin pie! It...
This is pumpkin pie with a twist, a layer of mincemeat topped with a layer of pumpkin. Just the thing to put the zing into traditional pumpkin pie! It...
A different and delicious way to eat up all the zucchini that's overflowing from the garden. Diced zucchini are sauteed with garlic and red pepper flakes...
Fontina cheese, tucked between the petals of our Squash-Blossom Fritters, provides a fondue-like surprise. Squash blossoms are available either with a...
A favorite served at a particular school for wizardry and witchcraft can be served to your children too! Healthy and light, it can also be made less so...
A favorite served at a particular school for wizardry and witchcraft can be served to your children too! Healthy and light, it can also be made less so...
I'm an RN and a patient's family shared this recipe with me when I was complaining about having too much zucchini. It tastes surprisingly like apple, most...
I like blended and frozen drinks, so after trying the limited edition Kahlua® pumpkin spice holiday flavor I decided to see what I could come up with....
I like blended and frozen drinks, so after trying the limited edition Kahlua® pumpkin spice holiday flavor I decided to see what I could come up with....
I like blended and frozen drinks, so after trying the limited edition Kahlua® pumpkin spice holiday flavor I decided to see what I could come up with....
An elegant, savory, and surprisingly easy way to prepare a vegan tofu dinner. I was served a similar dish at a very high-end restaurant, and decided to...
This sure is tasty and great when you feel like pigging-out or cooking for a let-go-of-yourself dinner. You may adjust the amount of jalapeno peppers....
This sure is tasty and great when you feel like pigging-out or cooking for a let-go-of-yourself dinner. You may adjust the amount of jalapeno peppers....
Instead of requiring the oven during the hot zucchini and tomato season, here is a way to serve up some of your favorite summer produce, packed with protein...
Packed with all the delicious flavors of fall, this Farro-and-Acorn Squash Salad is impressive enough to serve with as a Thanksgiving side dish. Plus,...